Admin Services

5 of the most common questions I get asked

We often get asked a few questions about what it’s like to work with a Virtual Assistant.  It made sense to round these up and share with you all!

Do I need a VA… or an OBM… or both?!

Determining whether you need a Virtual Assistant (VA), an Online Business Manager (OBM), or both depends on your specific needs. A VA excels in handling various administrative tasks, providing valuable support. On the other hand, an OBM focuses on strategic management, overseeing operations, and optimizing workflows. If you require assistance with day-to-day tasks, a VA may suffice. However, if you seek someone to manage and streamline your business processes, an OBM could be beneficial. In some cases, a combination of both VA and OBM services might be the ideal solution for a comprehensive and well-rounded support system tailored to your business requirements.

For more information, you can read our blog post

How much will it cost to work with a VA?

The million dollar question!!  VA rates can vary a lot depending on what experience they have, or what services they offer.  Some clients prefer to go onto a retainer whereby you get billed at the start of the month so you’re guaranteed 10 hours (for example) of the VA’s time.  Some of our clients also like to work this way as they are more keen to ask us for help as they’ve already paid for our time.

Other clients have a different approach where they prefer to work with us on a ‘pay as you go’ basis.  This means you get your bill at the end of each month for the hours used.

There is no right or wrong way on how you’d prefer to manage your costs.

We charge £40 per hour for ‘pay as you go’ work and then we offer a variety of retainers depending on your need.

Our OBM charges are mentioned on this page

How will I know what to delegate to you?

We offer a wide array of tasks to support you effectively. Some examples include calendar management, minute writing, website updates, bookkeeping, and responding to client inquiries via email – and this is just the beginning! We highly recommend exploring our comprehensive Delegation Task workbook for additional guidance on how we can assist you further.

There are VA’s that specialise in one particular area such as systems or social media.  The beauty of Boatman Admin Services, is that we are a one stop shop for our clients as we can pretty much do everything under one ‘roof’.

How do I ensure the security of my information when working with a Virtual Assistant?

When working with a Virtual Assistant, building a foundation of trust and safeguarding the security of your information is vital. This can be done by using secure communication channels, defining transparent privacy policies, and formalizing arrangements through a contract.

VA’s that are based in the UK should be registered with the ICO.  You can check this on their website here:

Navigating through GDPR regulations can sometimes feel like a complex terrain but it’s important that both you and the VA understand who is responsible for what.

 I’m not sure I can afford it…

We ask you – how can you afford NOT to?!  Setting up your business was probably a dream for you.  Working ALL the hours probably wasn’t part of that dream.  If you’re a product-based business (let’s say candles for example), how many candles can you make in an afternoon?  Once you’ve sold those candles, how much money will you make?  Now take that same batch of time and spend it doing your admin.  How much money did you make?!

We cannot make candles, be a vet, provide HR services, sort you out a mortgage, a pension or an investment, design you a beautiful kitchen or bedroom or give fitness advice BUT we can give you back more time so that you can do the ‘thing’ you love!

I hope this helps, any questions then please feel free to contact me via my contact me page.

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