Support for VAs

My journey to an Award Winning Virtual Assistant

I’ve been immersed in the Virtual Assistant realm since 2015, and it has been an incredibly rewarding journey. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a path I had initially planned, but I’m delighted that I took the plunge.  Today I wanted to share how I became an award winning Virtual Assistant. My professional journey began with various administrative […]

Admin Services

Boosting Business Productivity: Expert Insights and Quick Wins for Success

Hello, I’m Julia…Jools! I have worked with over 300 business owners to streamline their operations and boost efficiency. You could say I’m a seasoned business productivity expert with years of experience and you’d be right, not to toot my own horn.  I believe it’s essential to shift our perspective on productivity away from simply checking […]

Business Wellbeing

Thriving Solo: Unlocking the Secrets to Self-Employed Support

If you’re one of the 4.33 million self-employed workers in the UK you’ll know all about the rollercoaster that comes with being your own boss. You may get looks of envy from your employed friends when you take an impromptu day off, but what people often don’t appreciate is how exhausting it can be running […]

Business Wellbeing

Creating a Cosy Home Office: Welcoming the New Year with Comfort and Productivity

As we step into a new year, it’s a great time to review our work space, especially if you happen to work from home. A home office is for many of us now an integral part of our daily lives.  The environment in which we work greatly influences our mood, productivity, and overall wellbeing. Designing […]

Admin Services

How to find the right Virtual Assistant for your business. 

So, you’ve decided to hire a virtual assistant? First of all, hurrah! It’s brilliant that you’ve made this first step. Running the show in every area of your business can seem like the right thing to do at first, especially if budget is a concern, but there comes a point where it’s just not feasible […]


Ready to lighten your workload? Work with us!

If you’ve spent the past year constantly chasing your tail and ticking off a never-ending to-do-list, you’re not alone. Whether it’s a mountain of administrative duties, those all-important but highly dreaded financial tasks, or simply the stuff that needs to be done but never gets done, it’s easy to get bogged down with it all […]

Business Wellbeing

Creating a Cosy Home Office: Welcoming the New Year with Comfort and Productivity

  As we step into a new year, it’s a great time to review our work space, especially if you happen to work from home. A home office is for many of us now an integral part of our daily lives.  The environment in which we work greatly influences our mood, productivity, and overall wellbeing. […]

Business Wellbeing

5 Simple Self-Care Ideas for Business Owners

Ah, self-care. It’s what we all talk about but whether it’s something we actually commit to is a totally different story. You see, as business owners, there’s always something else to do first – especially if you work from home. Putting a wash on, prepping meals, doing a full house clean whilst you’re there…  And […]


2023 Look Back Post

And just like that, here we are writing our 2023 Look Back post. How is that even possible?! Our word of the year was Explore. We wanted to look into lots of different ‘things’ this year and this felt like the natural choice.⁠ ⁠ 🔎 Explore the world (of course…and seems the obvious one!)⁠ 🔎 […]

Business Wellbeing

3 lessons I’ve learnt from managing a team

If you’d have told me when Boatman Admin Services was first set up in 2015 that I would end up having a team of associates, I would have laughed and said ‘no thanks!’.  However the tables turned in 2020 during lockdown and I became inundated with enquiries for work and as a people pleaser, I […]