Admin Services

Boosting Business Productivity: Expert Insights and Quick Wins for Success

Hello, I’m Julia…Jools! I have worked with over 300 business owners to streamline their operations and boost efficiency. You could say I’m a seasoned business productivity expert with years of experience and you’d be right, not to toot my own horn.  I believe it’s essential to shift our perspective on productivity away from simply checking […]

Admin Services

How to find the right Virtual Assistant for your business. 

So, you’ve decided to hire a virtual assistant? First of all, hurrah! It’s brilliant that you’ve made this first step. Running the show in every area of your business can seem like the right thing to do at first, especially if budget is a concern, but there comes a point where it’s just not feasible […]

Admin Services

The importance of understanding the difference between a VA & OBM

Online Business Managers (OBMs) and Virtual Assistants (VAs) are both valuable assets for small business owners and entrepreneurs. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct skill sets. It is often the case that the two roles are often confused with one another, as there is some overlap with the types of activities that a […]

Admin Services

5 Reasons to Avoid Micro Managing your Virtual Assistant

When it comes to managing a virtual assistant (VA), it’s important to strike a balance between providing guidance and micromanaging. While it’s natural to want to have control over every aspect of your business, micromanaging can actually have negative consequences for both you and your VA. If you’re not sure if you’re a micro-manager, it’s […]

Admin Services

How best to prepare your business for working with a VA

You and your business are absolutely flying at the moment which is incredible.  However, are you finding that it’s coming at a price?  Are you working all the hours, not knowing which way to turn, and drowning in an ever-growing to do list?  It’s probably time you thought about hiring a Virtual Assistant but how […]

Admin Services

How to Communicate Effectively with your VA

Almost any area of ‘life’ needs to have some great communication built around it.  The same applies to running your business.  Breakdowns in communication will affect productivity and efficiency. Working with a virtual assistant means that the communication between client and VA needs to be spot on. Why is good communication so important in a […]

Admin Services

Top 10 Questions We Get Asked

We often get asked a few questions about what it’s like to work with a Virtual Assistant.  It made sense to round these up and share with you all! What is a Virtual Assistant? A virtual assistant is an independent self employed person who assists with administrative, business development, social media, marketing or other tasks.  […]

Admin Services

How I became an Award Winning Virtual Assistant

I’ve been a virtual assistant now since 2015 and have had a brilliant time – it’s not something I ever planned to do but am SO glad I took the plunge. I started my working life with various admin roles over the years.  It wasn’t until 2003 that I started working at a small pharmaceutical […]

Admin Services

Why time blocking can work for your business

Admin Services

What to expect when you work with a Virtual Assistant

After reading our last blog on how to find the right Virtual Assistant, you’ve welcomed a new team member to your most trusted circle but what happens next? The ball should be in the court of the VA which is good news for you – you’ve done the hard work up until this point.  Most […]