Admin Services

The importance of understanding the difference between a VA & OBM

Online Business Managers (OBMs) and Virtual Assistants (VAs) are both valuable assets for small business owners and entrepreneurs. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct skill sets.

It is often the case that the two roles are often confused with one another, as there is some overlap with the types of activities that a VA does, and an OBM will oversee. But when you really understand the difference, the two roles are distinct.

What is a VA?

A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a highly skilled independent contractor who provides administrative and technical support to clients from a remote location. They are typically responsible for tasks such as email management, scheduling appointments, data entry, and social media management. VAs work on a project or hourly basis and are often used for specific, one-off tasks. They can be self-employed or work for a virtual assistant agency. They are typically hired on a contract basis and can work for multiple clients at the same time. With the rise of technology, it is becoming increasingly common for small business owners and entrepreneurs to outsource tasks to virtual assistants to save time and increase efficiency.

What is an OBM?

An Online Business Manager (OBM) is a professional who takes on a more strategic role in managing and growing a business. OBMs work closely with business owners to understand their goals and objectives, and then develop and implement a plan to achieve them. They take on a wide range of responsibilities, including project management, marketing, customer service, and financial management. OBMs work on a retainer basis, and often become a key member of the business team.

They are responsible for the overall management of the business, ensuring that all the different aspects of the business are running smoothly and efficiently. They may also be responsible for hiring and managing employees, and creating and implementing policies and procedures to ensure that the business runs smoothly. They work with business owners to create and implement a comprehensive business strategy, which includes marketing, sales, operations, and customer service. They are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the business are aligned with the business’s goals and objectives, and are able to make decisions on behalf of the business.

So…do you need an OBM or a VA?

The level of help you need, how much control you are willing to hand over, as well as your budget, will be factors in deciding whether to hire a VA or an OBM for your business.

If you are looking for someone to oversee the complete management of a project, want to hand over the running of some parts of your business, or need help with planning and strategy to take your business forward, an OBM is the right choice for you.

If you need more staffing power to speed up day to day tasks, you like to keep a close eye on your operations, or would prefer to hand over the less exciting jobs to free up your time, a VA is there to help.

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