Support for VAs

3 Ways to Secure Your First Client as a Virtual Assistant 


Congratulations on deciding to become a Virtual Assistant! 

One question I get asked a lot during the ActiVAte coaching calls that I offer for new and upcoming VA’s is ‘how do I find my first client’?

Finding your first client can be a daunting task, but there are a few steps you can take to make the process easier.

Friends and family

You might already know this but our first client was us!  We run a financial services business so we started doing admin for that.  Our accountant was then in need of some admin support…who then recommended us to some of our clients and the ball started to roll from there.

Friends and family can be a great source of support when it comes to finding your first client. They can help spread the word about your services and business, provide you with advice and guidance, and even introduce you to potential clients. Additionally, they can provide valuable feedback and help you refine your services and offerings.

Finally, if you are offering a service, your friends and family may be willing to be your first client or offer you a discount on your services. 

Social Media Groups

There are a TONS of social media groups out there that you can join on, particularly on Facebook.  Start out by being helpful, making suggestions and recommending other people within that group.

Social media groups can be a great resource to help you find your first client. Joining relevant groups can help you connect with potential clients in your industry, allowing you to network and make valuable connections. You can also post about your services, answer questions, and even share relevant content to help others understand your offerings. 

Additionally, you can connect with other professionals in your field who may be able to refer clients to you. By being active, participating in conversations, and networking, you will build your reputation and start to secure warm leads that can become your first client.


Networking is a great way to find your first client as a virtual assistant. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be that scary!  

It involves getting out there, meeting people, and making connections. You can start by attending local events that are in your area and connecting with local fellow business owners.  You’ll be surprised that everyone is very supportive and are always there to offer a listening ear and offer guidance.  By building relationships, you can showcase your skills and experience and demonstrate why you would be the ideal VA for their project. Additionally, you can use the power of word-of-mouth and referrals to find clients. 

You can read about how networking helped me run my business in this post.

Getting your first client as a Virtual assistant is absolutely possible!  Don’t get discouraged if it takes you a while to find your audience.  With the right strategies, you can find your first client and start your business as a Virtual Assistant. Good luck!

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