Support for VAs

My Top Tips for becoming an Associate Virtual Assistant

Starting out as a VA (Virtual Assistant) is both an exciting and scary place to be. Whether you are in full-time employment, you’ve started your VA business on the side or you’re a new mum wondering is returning to your employed role if the right thing to do you need to remember, it’s unlikely you’ll be fully booked within the first few months. By taking small steps, you’ll have more work than you thought possible.  You might even start to think about taking on your own associates!

Start as an Associate

A good place to start when looking for clients is the role of an associate.  More experienced VA’s will often advertise for an associate to help them with their ever growing client bank.   Lead VA’s will look to outsource because they availability, they don’t possess the skills, are not interested in the task or they simply want to expand their business.

By starting as an associate, you will increase your confidence.  You will have the ability to liaise with the lead VA who will have lots of experience and want to help you, help their clients.  You will have the opportunity to use lots of new systems and get to know your way around them.

As a rule of thumb, your associate rate is usually less than your normal hourly rate.  This is because the lead VA has done the ‘hard work’ of securing the client work and will handle any of the problems and woes.

You may or may not be the point of content for the client – each VA handles their associates differently.  For the team at Boatman Admin Services, our associates to be the point of contact for our client as we want the relationship to build and allow the associate to have autonomy in their work.

Skills required: Strong organizational and communication skills, as well as the ability to work independently are a must. You should also be proficient in common office software such as Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and other digital platforms. Additionally, you should be comfortable using various digital tools to manage your clients’ tasks and projects.

Experience: While it’s not always necessary to have prior experience as a VA, it can be helpful. If you have experience working in an administrative or support role, you may already have the skills needed to excel as a VA Associate.

Time Management: As a VA Associate, you’ll be working independently and managing your own schedule. It’s important to have good time management skills to ensure that you’re able to meet deadlines.

Stay updated: The world of technology changes rapidly.  As a VA, you have to keep yourself updated with the new tools and software that can make your work more efficient. Continuously learn and adapt to new technologies to stay ahead of the competition.

Anything else?

You will need to sign an associate contract with the Lead VA.  You’ll also need to be registered with the ICO and have insurance in place.  You will be covered under the Lead VA’s insurance but it’s always best to have your own in place as well.

Becoming a VA Associate can be a great way to start your own business.  You can work independently, use your skills and experience to help others. With the right skills, experience, and mindset, you can be successful as a VA Associate.

If you’re still a little confused, why not book one of our ActiVAte calls.  This will give you some real clarity on starting your VA business.

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