
The Bristol & Bath blockchain and cryptocurrency seminar – 27 June 2018

Have you heard about blockchain or cryptocurrency and want to understand more? Many critics of cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, have claimed they are ‘too volatile’ and a ‘bubble’ but there’s no denying the underlying impact of blockchain or distributed ledger technology is emerging as one of the biggest disruptive technologies of our time. Boatman Admin Services […]

Business Wellbeing

Sure fire ways to ensure networking isn’t always a nightmare!

Have you considered networking but not really sure where to start or are you a serial networker?!  The thought of networking often fills people with fear – walking into a room where you know nobody, having to introduce yourself and make conversation with people can be daunting. It’s only been in recent times that I’ve […]

Business Wellbeing

How to better manage your emails

Emails are great…emails are also the bane of the business owner.  It’s a never ending flurry of enquires, orders or ‘junk’ emails.   In my previous ‘life’ I probably dealt with around 400+ emails per day as I worked on 3 different projects so it was a constant battle.  In less time that it takes to […]

Business Wellbeing

Where to find quality stock photographs

As you may or may not be aware, using multi media in your social media posts can increase engagement.  I’m sure we would all LOVE to have time to spend clicking away taking good quality, photos to use on our Twitter, Facebook or Instagram posts however time does not always allow. What you’re not allowed […]

Business Wellbeing

The Importance of Taking a Break

We all know what it’s like…if we’ve got an office day, we’ll sit at our desks in the morning and before you know it, it’s 4pm and you literally haven’t stopped for lunch OR we’ve grabbed something and then eaten it at our desk. This was definitely the case for me when I worked in […]

Business Wellbeing

Tips for Getting Paid on Time

Managing cash flow is probably one of the most important issues when running your own business. Before you start any work with any customer / client (new or existing) it is important to ensure that you have confirmation of the terms agreed and confirmation from your customer / client. This might sound obvious, but without […]

Admin Services

Benefits of working with a Virtual Assistant

Here at Boatman Admin Services, we strongly believe that our clients see us as an investment, not an expense.  If you’ve never worked with a Virtual Assistant and want to know why you should have someone like us on your team, then here’s a few benefits… As an independent contractor to your business, you don’t […]

Business Wellbeing

The Importance of Maintaining a Work Life Balance

When you run your own business it can be all about the work, work, work, work, work, work, work (as said by Rihanna). Work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritising between “work” (career and ambition) and “lifestyle” (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation) however we all know that this can be extremely difficult […]

Business Wellbeing

Top 5 Time Killers

If you run your own business, you’ll know that there are never enough hours in the day.  You sit at your desk at 9am and before you know it, it’s 3pm and you haven’t tacked your ‘to do’ list. Here’s our guide to 5 time killers! Emails There seems to be a never ending tranche […]


Hello world!

  A very short and sweet introduction!! Welcome to the first blog post of Boatman Admin Services.  We’re going to be doing a series of posts over the coming months, detailing exactly what it is that we do, who we are and some top tips…plus any other nuggets of information that we think might be of interest […]