We love Richard Branson’s quote ‘If you want to grow as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to learn to delegate’
In an old blog post from 2015 on Virgin’s website, Richard admits that he lacked crucial knowledge in the early days of Virgin which meant he had to learn how to delegate quickly. He also talks about looking people who “understand your passion’ , want to add to your ideas; can envision ways to make improvements.”
But how do you decide what should be delegated?

This easy task should help you realise how much work it takes to run your business and Then certain tasks will jump out that you can see where you need a helping hand.
On a clean sheet of paper (either a word document or notebook) start by reading the 4 questions below-we adore reading them all first as there might be duplication’s.
Which tasks don’t need to be handled by you?
What doesn’t require your expert knowledge?
What tasks can be done behind the scenes that does’t need your name to it?
Which tasks are long over due?
There’s probably a handful of tasks that you keep meaning to do but never quite find the time for. It could be ordering flyers, some data entry, creating blog posts or market research
Which tasks do you dread doing?
Everyone has a task or two they dread doing. Top contenders that we hear include social media or accounts
Remember, not everyone can do everything. Everyone has their own skills and preferences on what they enjoy doing
What tasks are time consuming?
This might take a day or two to answer…
Review your work over a couple of days. What’s really draining your time?
If you delegate this task, can the person doing it get on without too much input from you?
Now you should have a list of tasks that you could consider handing over to someone. How much extra time are you getting back? What would this mean for you and your business?

If you’re seriously interested in finding some help please get in touch!
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