Admin Services

5 tasks you can easily hand over to a Virtual Assistant

You’ve made the decision that you want to start working with a Virtual Assistant but how on earth do you decide what tasks you can immediately start to hand over?

Calendar Management

black and white diary with apple product
Managing your diary can be critical to running your business

Calendar management can be critical when running your own business. We’ve all experienced trying to set up a meeting and it’s taken 5 or more emails flying backwards and forwards to find a suitable time.

You don’t want to spend all of your days rushing from one side of the city to another for different meetings. Ideally, you’ll want one or two days where you’re out of the office where your sole focus is meetings. That way, you can use the other days to be at your desk or in your studio doing the actual work. A Virtual Assistant can arrange your diary to work for you and give you maximum time out of your day.

Database Building

Do you have a huge list of clients and customers that you need to keep track of? Having it all in your own mind might not be the ideal. What if you couldn’t work for a period of time? Nobody would know where to start other than you. A Virtual Assistant can help you build your CRM and ensure that it is kept up to date.

Meeting Minutes

notebook and pen with computer on desk
Meeting Minutes can also be outsourced

Once you’ve organised your meetings, it might be necessary for someone to be there to document it especially if it’s a board meeting or a disciplinary matter. A Virtual Assistant can either dial in or be there in person to take the minutes so that you can focus on the content of the meeting.

As previously mentioned, the VA can also arrange the meeting to start with!

Inbox Management

Emails can easily start to get out of control! Inbox management can be done in several ways.

A client of Boatman Admin Services is now in the habit of responding to emails and asking clients to contact her VA for certain tasks. Over the course of 3-6 months, customers and clients soon learnt that we are responsible for certain areas and could answer a lot of questions.

It might be as simple as organising your inbox and getting your sub folders in order. This way, you’ll know exactly where to look rather than one big mass of 10,000 emails in your inbox!

Online Research

Online research can be hugely time consuming and before you know it, you’ve fallen into a downward spiral and you’re looking at people’s Aldi shopping hauls on YouTube (how on earth did you get there?!)

A Virtual Assistant can help with any number of research requirements:

  • Product research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Latest trends
  • Prospecting
  • Data gathering

Hopefully that’s given you a head start on what you could easily handover to a Virtual Assistant giving you MORE time!

You may also want to read our previous blog around What should I delegate?

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